Deadlines, Requirements, and the Application Process
The application process for prospective Degree Partnership Program students is slightly different, depending on where you are in your academic career. This page explains the process and details that will assist your entrance into the DPP.
The Degree Partnership Program is available to degree seeking undergraduate and post-baccalaureate degree seeking students only. The program is not available for non-degree students, stand alone certificates, or graduate students.
Admissions Deadlines
Admissions Requirements and Application Processes
Students not enrolled in either a community college or Oregon State must meet the enrollment requirements for admission to OSU. The list of partner schools will direct you to your community college website for more information.
New first-year applicants to Oregon State (on-campus and Ecampus) are admitted to the DPP program based on first-year freshman student requirements and start their college careers being admitted at both OSU and the partner school of their choice. After being admitted, DPP students have the option of taking classes at their partner school only (while still having an active OSU student status), at OSU only, or they can truly dual-enroll and take classes at both locations.
To add the Degree Partnership Program to your admission status, you will need to update your application in Beaver Basecamp. Please do the following:
- Login to Beaver Basecamp
- Double Click on Application Details (it takes about 20 seconds for the page to load)
- Click on Add DPP
- Click on the Yes button - I am interested in being in the Degree Partnership Program
- Choose the Community College you would like to attend through the DPP
- Choose the START term (usually the term you are starting at OSU)
- Click on the Submit Button
It will take approximately two weeks for the application to process through the OSU and Community College systems.
There are many advantages for current Oregon State students that wish to have dual enrollment at an Oregon or Hawai’i community college.
Students who are enrolled in Oregon State must also apply through OSU Admissions to add their community college so they can enroll in classes.
If you are already admitted into OSU - please do the following:
Verify that you are applying before the DPP Application Deadline for the term you would like to be in the DPP program. Applications submitted after the deadline will be added to DPP for the following term.
Login to your OSU Beaver Hub Account
- Check to make sure you do not have any holds on your university accounts
- Click on the Academics Tab
- Look in the Academic Overview section for holds - or check the top data block in your MyDegrees account
If you have a hold on your account - you must have it cleared before proceeding to add DPP to your account.
To Add DPP:
- Log into Beaver Hub
- Search in Resources for “Adding Degree Partnership Program”
- Click on Adding Degree Partnership Program (DPP)
- Submit Request
- Login to your ONID Email account and Complete the DocuSign Form. Problems finding your DocuSign Form? You can also login to OSU's DocuSign directly.
- Choose your Partner Community College
- Complete the DocuSign form and submit
- This process could take 2-3 weeks. If it has been longer than 2-3 weeks, please contact us!
Post-Baccalaureate or "Post-Bacc." students must first apply to OSU as Postbaccalaureate Student. Once you have applied, been admitted, and indicated you will be attending OSU you can add DPP to your admission status for free by following the directions above for current OSU students.
If you are already admitted into OSU as a degree-seeking post-baccalaureate student and are in good academic standing, then you can easily add the Degree Partnership Program (DPP) to your admission status.
- Post-Baccalaureate Admissions Requirements
- Post-Baccalaureate Application Deadlines