Financial Support for Enrolled Students
Once admitted into DPP, students have up to 10 terms before having to take an Oregon State University course (international students have different rules). Each term, students have a choice of taking classes at their partner school only, at OSU only, or they can take classes at both OSU and the partner school.
DPP Billing & Financial Aid Process
- DPP students are charged for their tuition and fees for the courses they are taking at each school.
- Residency
- Residence classification for OSU tuition purposes can found on the Admissions website.
- Community college residency is determined by a different set of rules defined on the partner school's website.
- Tuition, billing, fees, financial aid and scholarship policies and procedures vary at each school.
- The home school will communicate with the partner school to know what credits the student is enrolled in and count the eligible credits towards the financial aid credit load.
- Financial aid will disburse to your home school student account.
- If financial aid is greater than the home school bill, receive a refund! Use the refund to pay the bill at the partner school.
- If aid does not cover the home school bill, the student will owe the home school and is responsible for their partner school bill.
How does financial aid and/or scholarships work for DPP Students?
Students should include both school codes when doing the FAFSA. The student selects a home school, meaning that is the school that will administer their aid. The best bet is for the student to:
- Include both schools on their FAFSA
- Depending on who they choose as their home school, work with Financial Aid to make sure they have met all the requirements for each award on their financial aid package. (ex: minimum. number of credits for some scholarships is 6 hours at OSU, or they may need to complete at least 45 each year.)
- Best to refer students to Financial Aid for their own individual case.
- Some schools also have credit requirements or home school designation requirements.
- Financial Aid for Degree Partnership Students Info Sheet
Declaring a Home School
- Include both OSU and the partner school on FAFSA to keep financial aid options open. Once an award letter is created at both schools, you can make an informed decision on home school.
- Degree Partnership Program (DPP) students must select a "home school" for financial aid. Your "home school" is where you want to receive your financial aid from.
- After you register for classes at OSU, the OSU Office of Financial Aid will email your OSU student email address with a link to declare your financial aid “home school”.
- Follow the link in the email to your Financial Aid self-service portal online.
- Find the “Degree Partnership Financial Aid Home School Declaration” listed in your student requirements section.
- Indicate your financial aid home school, partner school, and the term you want those selections to begin, and submit your responses.
Good Things to Know
- Include both OSU and the partner school on FAFSA to keep financial aid options open. Once an award letter is created at both schools, you can make an informed decision on home school.
- OSU funded grants or scholarships have specific requirements including OSU has to be your financial aid home school and you must take at least 6 OSU credits each term, and be enrolled full-time total between your two schools for those awards to disburse.
- OSU cannot pay for nontransferable classes at the community college (Career Technical Courses).
- Community Colleges cannot pay for 300 or 400 level courses that they do not offer.
- Scholarships from your partner school may have specific requirements; know the policies around the scholarships.
- After enrolling in OSU classes, students must complete a “Degree Partnership Financial Aid Home School Declaration” at OSU.
- To change your home school, send an email from your OSU email to [email protected] with your name, ID number, and your request to change your home school, including the specific term.
- The maximum number of total credits that will count from all previously attended 2-year and/or 4-year institutions is 135 quarter credit hours (90 semester hours). Students are still required to complete at least 60 credits of upper-division coursework at OSU.
- Still Confused? OSU has the Center for Advancing Financial Education (CAFE) - They provide information about financial education to all OSU students and can walk though your specific information to help you make educated choices from the options you have available. You can talk with an advisor, take advantage of their learning modules or take a course to learn more.
Degree Partnership Program and OSU-Based University Scholar Program Scholarships
Oregon State University’s Degree Partnership Program (DPP) allows you to be admitted and enrolled at both OSU and any one of our community college partner schools. If you have been admitted to OSU as a DPP student and were awarded a University Scholars Program (USP) scholarship such as the Finley Academic Excellence Scholarship, Provost Scholarship, or another state-based merit scholarship at the time of admission, you can retain eligibility for your USP scholarship while taking advantage of DPP. For current information, please refer to the DPP and University Scholars Program requirements webpage.
Every DPP Student Receiving Financial Aid or Scholarships Must Declare a Home School
The school that will administer your financial aid and/or Scholarships. All DPP students must have a home school. Only one school can pay your aid, but if you are taking classes as a DPP student at both OSU and their community college, and if the credits at their partner school are transferable to their home school, then the partner school credits count towards their overall financial aid credit load.
- OSU attendance only: OSU must be the home school.
- Partner school attendance only: Partner school must be the home school.
- Classes at both OSU and the partner school: Student may choose a home school. Each home school may have different aid packages and rules around financial aid and scholarships for DPP students, so students should plan and work with a homeschool financial aid advisor to understand their financial aid expectations.
OSU and each community college require minimum credit hours to process financial aid at the homeschool.
Below is a list of the credit hour requirements. Find your homeschool below, you will find the minimum amount of credits that you must have in a term at that institution for your aid to be applied to your student account (disburse):
Home School Credit Hour Requirements: Each community college and OSU have credit hour minimums required to process financial aid as the home institution. Below is a list of the credit hour requirements. Find your home school below, you will find the minimum amount of credits that you must have in a term at that institution for your aid to be applied to your student account (disburse):
- Oregon State University
- Central Oregon Community College
- Chemeketa CC
- Clatsop CC
- Clackamas CC
- Klamath CC
- Linn-Benton CC
- Tillamook Bay CC
- Umpqua CC
- Blue Mountain CC
- Columbia Gorge CC
- Lane CC
- Mt. Hood CC
- Oregon Coast CC
- Portland CC
- Rogue CC
- Southwestern Oregon CC
- Treasure Valley CC
- Hawai'i CC
- Kapio'lani CC
- Maui College